Saturday, December 28, 2013

Prophetic Art

     This picture was taken about three years ago during a church conference. I was asked to do prophetic art during the worship at the beginning.
     Prophetic art is one of my favorite forms of painting. For those of you who don't know what it is, it is a form of worship. It allows me to express my love and passion for Jesus Christ. As I have mentioned before, art allows me to express myself....Well prophetic art allows me to express the Lord. Sometimes during worship, I get distinct pictures/images in my head. So in the moment, I either create a sketch of it or I paint it. After worship when the painting is finished I usually give it to one of the people who are there. It's amazing being able to tell someone that the painting was created for them; being able to explain to them the meaning behind the piece.
     The most exciting part, however, is hearing their story. Every single time I have given someone a painting, I get to hear their story of how my picture relates to their life. It's this beautiful moment where I get to see a complete stranger's passion and heart. I get to build a relationship with them and share the love of God, reminding them that they are a gift and a treasure. Every picture means a new and unique experience with the person I get to share it with, which is why it is one of my favorite forms of art and worship.

Photo credit goes to my older brother, Jordan Tunstill, who is a phenomenal photographer!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


"Identity" - I am Annie. I am powerfully and wonderfully made. I will stand out in a crowd because I am not like anyone else. Once you meet me, you will never forget me. I will love you fiercely because that is how I have been loved. I am not scared and I do not answer to fear. The Lord is my shepherd. I strive for the best and usually get it. I laugh a lot, get used to it, there's enough to go around. I am a champion. Blessed beyond measure. I am Annie.

      I love this painting. Vaguely based off of a cover picture I saw from the show Wicked, I created something way more personal and special to me. Throughout my life I have constantly struggled with identity. Coming from a family full of love and adoration this is something that took me by surprise. However, instead of letting it rule my life I have allowed it to help me become the strong person I am today. Because of that, I am growing more confident in who I am, every day. No longer trying to fit in, I have instead decided to be the real me in every aspect of my life.
      This painting stands for identity. Although you cannot read the words printed on the face, it says, "I am wonderfully and powerfully made". There is much power found in that. Often times you hear the typical speech about how everyone is special and unique. But how many of us actually believe it? 
      Art museums are filled with beautiful paintings, sculptures, and designs. Each one is different and each one is significant in a different sort of way. Set out on display, the paintings are open for anyone to come and see. Artists willingly put their art on display in an attempt to share their life work with the world. Would you ever walk up to a famous artist and tell them that their art was ugly? If you were to have a conversation with da Vinci, would you tell him that the Mona Lisa was flawed? Well that is what people do daily. God created each of us differently, just like every piece of art you would see in a museum. When you compare yourself to those around you, or fear what people might think of your appearance, you are also judging the artwork of God. So, I encourage you to be you. The wonderfully amazing, beautifully created, and shinging masterpiece of the Lord. Oh and don't forget, you are fiercely loved.

Monday, December 9, 2013

"Tiger Eye"

      I created this piece during spring break (2013). I was handed down the canvas from my grandmother who had recently blessed me with a replenishing of my art supplies. Which was extremely helpful seeing as I was entering the rationing phase of my ever-decreasing acrylics supply. It took me two weeks to settle on an idea and I repainted the canvas at least three times in the process. This was quite frustrating so I took a break for a few days and gave it some much needed space.  Instead, I allowed my focus to be on smaller things, like my sketch book, for example. One day I began to doodle an eye which turned into a growing picture with patterns and designs. After much deliberation, I decided this was exactly what I wanted to put on the huge blank canvas that was slowly beginning to collect dust. It took me all day to paint but it was well worth it.
      What I love about this painting, is its originality. It wasn't based off of anything I might have seen on the internet. It was solely created by my imagination. Also, after finishing it, I realized that it could be whatever you wanted it to be. I showed it to many of my friends and family and asked them what they saw and each one of them it differently.
      I see it as a tiger's eye. A tiger is such a beautiful animal. The pattern of its fur is magnificent and I enjoyed recreating it. The clouds above it, to me, represent its freedom to fly and be free.

What do you see?
Also,There are a few things that are hidden throughout the picture. Can you find them?


Friday, December 6, 2013

"Mark of the Lion" - Behind the Title

      Many of you might be curious as to why I chose "Mark of the Lion" as the title. There are a few reasons behind the name choice. In the bible, The lion signifies might and royalty. It is often found that the Lord is described to have the mighty roar of a lion. In everything I see, I see the masterpiece of God. His glory and power shines in everything. It was He who created me and my talents. I walk in His love and beauty. The mark of the Lion.
      "Untamed" is the painting shown on the right. It is one of the pieces I did over the summer while I was teaching an art class for my church's annual worship camp. It is easily one of my favorites.